Girls Camp. My last year was fun as always but I was missing a few important people in my life. I had a good time getting to know my friend Michelle better and I learned that nine 13 year old girls are a few too many. I think the hike was one of my favorite parts (weird I know) but more for the socializing part rather than the hiking part. I loved running all the way down the steep trail which seems to have become a ward tradition. All in all by the end of the week I was ready to say goodbye to my girls camp years.
Alaina and Adrie left this morning. The house feels empty without Adrie screaming around. Not really screaming but just making noise in general. I am currently realizing how much I need to get done today and knowing that there is no way it will all get accomplished because it's a SYTYCD night. I burned myself for the first time EVER on the oven. It's okay...don't freak out or anything I just burned myself on the wire rack. My thumb is all pink. Adrie looked so funny eating breakfast this morning.
(this is the exciting part)
I finally started working this summer. A lady in our ward has asked me for some help with their small business (filing and stuff) and on Friday I will start training to work at the Women's Clinic with Kendall. I am getting ready for my senior year of High school where I will be in Jazz choir, the treasurer for the Symphonic choir, and have early release. Travel plans for the year include Seattle for Jazz choir, Disney land for Rugby, Eugene, Oregon for model UN, and New York for Symphonic choir. Breaking Dawn comes out on friday. Harry Potter 6 movie comes our in 114 days. Twilight movie December 12. And who could forget HSM3 (thanks nat) Life is great and it keeps getting better. I am so blessed to have all that I do and I am very very very excited for the future! I just have to somehow manage to muddle through the present.