Friday, September 02, 2011

Thoughts on repeat

School has started and despite the million new things to learn only a few things seem to stick.

-Math and science are the same thing and somehow there is A LOT of math/science involved in the Nursing program. Maybe I don't hate math so much after all.

-This picture of my grandparents comes to mind quite frequently as of late. Something about this candid shot makes me hope that I can have everything they ever had. How did I get so lucky to have lived and loved them this far in my life?
-And somehow I can't stop thinking about a certain boy and a certain day.


Cheri said...

YOU are the sweetest, Mallory! How proud G&G are of you. They were the most excited about your acceptance to the nursing program. Us, too, of course! And, I want to go to Dinosaur Day. Looked like lots of fun. All the best, Aunt Cheri

Alaina said...

I love that picture of them! Grandma looks really beautiful.

Welcome back to school, Im so glad you don't hate math & science!

Mary B said...

Thx for putting up that pic of G&G. I love it. Good job persevering in school! Study hard! :)