Sunday, October 08, 2006

Poop on Baker

To Natalie and that girl Kendall---

I miss you too much and this is all for you. and I think I might have some interesting stuff to tell you about. First I must say that mom is trying to kidnapp me and take me to Baker for a three day weekend. My whole church day was pretty awful after I found that out. Hopefully dad will be on my side because I cannot stand one more day with those stuffy old people in Baker. Please save me from death of old people and sewing! Well you two are my sunshine in a cloudy day!


kendall said...

yaaaay baker! tell mom you're only going if you complete the drive to utah. or at least go to rexburg and visit amander.

NatAttack said...

Mal...! A BLOG! HOORAY! I'm going to update my links right now. (I saw Kendall already has too.) Soon you'll see how enjoyable blogging can be.

I lava you! (And I'll see what I can do for you about Baker)