Friday, October 02, 2009

Harrison Hero

Last Fall I had a little obsession with Harrison Ford. Mom, Dad, and I watched about every Harrison Ford movie there is except Star Wars. The list includes such gems as Working Girl, Witness, The Fugitive, Clear and Present Danger, Air Force One, Patriot Games and many other works of cinematic genius. While watching these movies my very astute father made the connection that Harrison Ford seems to frequent the role of reluctant hero. He never wants to chase down the bad guys but eventually ends up doing it anyway to save the people he loves.
So I'm sitting in my English class the other day, ironically thinking about Harrison Ford (you see, I kind of have a little bit of a crush on him and I didn't know his frequent role would also make it's debut in my own life) when we got put into groups of four for our next unit. I think to myself, "Great, another group of quite kids and we'll get nothing done." As I started talking and making things happen I couldn't help but remember my old man crush Harrison Ford and the reluctant hero that he plays in his movies. I guess I'm the reluctant leader. I hate taking the lead in a situation but if no one else steps up I eventually will. I couldn't tell you why I am so reluctant but I think I want to change it. Someday maybe I'll be with it enough to be able to take the lead on my own but for now I'm still a little reluctant like my BFF Harrison.

And for the record I am in love with the Harrison Ford from the eighties and nineties. Not the old man that's married to Calista Flockhart and has one earring.


Jan said...

WE are LAUGHING and crying from laughing so hard...and appreciate your recognizing "the reluctant leader". It is so true. That's you! how well you do it.(lead, not the reluctant part!)

NatAttack said...

I giggled so much reading this the other day -- so much that Linda asked me what was going on. I told her your analogy and we both rejoiced in your brilliance. XOXO!

Alaina said...

Add me to the list of people giggling. I love how this is written!

And I'm really dying over your last paragraph. Way to clear that up :)