Monday, October 19, 2009

Ingrid and My Fanny Pack

It has been an exceptional last few days I must say. I've finally started to feel like this is my real life and I'm not just at summer camp. Not that I've ever really been to this fancy of a summer camp but still, you get the point. Saturday night was the Ingrid Michaelson concert in Salt Lake. Sophie borrowed her brother's car and we drove up to the big city. We had a lovely little visit with G+G. Grandma had some little eclairs for us that were delicious and we had a nice little rest. Sophie keeps telling me she wants to go back and visit with them and I'm all for it! haha
We drove over to the concert and Sophie did the best parallel parking job I've ever seen. There were literally eight inches in front and behind the car. Needless to say we had a pretty awesome parking spot. The concert was amazing! I loved it. I wish I could go to a concert every weekend. Too bad I'm a poor college student.

Sunday night Kendall & Josh were kind enough to take me with them over to Alaina's house to watch the Proposal. It was SO good to be in a real home and eat real food. Alaina made flapjacks and I think that counts as real food.

Today (monday) I donated blood. It's something I've been thinking about for a while and it just happened part of my church calling to promote the blood drive, so I figured now was the time to give it a try. Long story short, I survived! I'm really glad that I tried and I don't think I would be opposed to doing it again in the future. My finger prick is bruising a lot but my arm feels alright. I'm starting to understand the people that told me there would be a lot to choose from at college. Here's a picture to sum up my last few days. Ingrid shirt, fanny pack, track marks from blood giving, and a smile on my face.

Oh, and just in case you didn't know I'm bringing back the fanny pack. It is the most practical invention ever and I don't know why people don't use them more often. I mean the eighties are coming back so why not bring the fanny pack along for the ride? My fanny is black leather so pretty much it's the definition of class. Pass the word along. THE FANNY IS BACK!


Jan said...

I have a roots fanny pack from the Olympics in Utah. No one has ever used it...tags still on it. Think I should put it up on ebay? It's probably worth A LOT.

Mary B said...

So glad you're leading such a fabulous college life! Props to you for giving blood. I still never have. I have needle phobia. Even when I have to give blood for labs, I often forget to breathe. Not good.

Alaina said...

I love everything about this post. And I agree, a fanny pack would be pretty dang convenient. You're a rock star.

Alaina said...

I'm still so jealous. Lucky, lucky girl! I do LOVE the cd you made me of her newest, though :)