Choir Festival on Friday. I only had to go to one period of the school day
Mom and I went shopping
Purchased one pair of jeans, wide-leg trousers, one shirt. The pants were a steal!
Rugby sleepover
Confirmed that I am truly awful at DDR
Mmmmm...muddy buddies
Bekah passes out
Boy scandal
Signs, murder in the dark, wah, and some trippy hand game
More N64 ---> thumb hurts
Lights out at 11:30... right?
Back tickling
Deep talk with a certain lover
Blaming our problems on other things
Trying to sleep
Some people cannot talk quiet, ever!
Sleep Finally
It's Saturday!
Wake up, Let's eat breakfast!
Rugby gear on
Drive forever
Rugby game
We were awesome...won 72-0
Really a good game
Sloppy Joe all over my hand and face. Literally ALL over
Drive home
Oh wait, let's stop at Target
Popcorn and Coke purchased
Found Megan a new shirt and by some miracle I purchased nothing!
Rush out to pick up Dad from the airport
Awful wreck on 205 we go home a new way
Scariest storm ever
Hydroplaned three times and had my wipers going full blast
I died a little bit
Good bye Megan
Home finally with my Mom and Dad!
Chat time
Dan in Real Life with the parentals
Fell in love with the music from it Sondre Lerche...honestly that is where it's at
Frosted a cake
Thinking about bed
And the fact that I only have 5 more days of school before spring break
Honestly a great weekend
But no one will know until monday because I am the only person in the world that blogs on the weekend.
Don't worry
I'm not too upset
Longest blog ever!