Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well the 'rents have been gone in New York all week and it has once again proved to be a glorious week. Winter seems to have crept back into Oregon and I must say I miss the sunshine. Rugby practice has moved out of Athey so we actually play in mud and I don't really enjoy the dirt so much. Oh well it's part of the game. There's rugby sleepover social tomorrow night and then a game on Saturday. We are going to play the team that has one giant of an islander girl on their team. I'm going to try and get a picture of her so you can see her. Seriously she is 6'2" and probably weighs 250+lbs. HUGE! I am looking foward to the weekend. I am waiting for Mom to come home right now and I am excited. She promised to take me shopping tomorrow! Also tomorrow we have our first choir festival and I am excited to see how it goes. Heres to doing my favorite things all in the next 35 hours---Missing school, shopping, rugby, and sleep! Cheers.

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