Micaela and Justin tied, Mallory third, Kameron fourth. I will not be becoming a professional golfer anytime soon.
Then we went inside and played some games. The shooting games were the most fun but I am not very good at them either. I was amazed at how fast the boys could just pick up a game and be good at it. It must be built into them or something. Micaela and I liked to play this percussion game that is like DDR except you are playing the drums. The boys stuck to more serious things, like racing.
I will be in Utah tomorrow!
Ahahaha you're so dang cute. AND I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do I trust the see here please above?
Not a double date really but it sort of felt like it.
Mallory! Where did you get those cute shoes? My friend had some just like it then threw them away for some weird reason and we can't find new ones anywhere. you are so cute!
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