Monday, July 26, 2010

100 (more) Things

1. I can sleep almost anywhere
2. I crave canned peaches a lot right now
3. I can kill a spider as long as it is below eye level
4. On the last day of my senior year of high school I got into a fender bender with a parked car
5. Dove soap is the only way to feel clean
6. Sometimes I feel a compulsive need to buy new shoes
7. I actually hate rubber bands. They creep me out for some reason
8. I love the feel of hot paper as it comes out of a printer
9. I also love the smell of hot paper as it comes out of a printer
10. Having curly hair is like the best way to be lazy and get away with it
11. I wish I could travel the world with Natalie. I'm pretty sure we would be the world's greatest travel companions.
12. I will go to London in 2012
13. Alaina and I have the most similar personalities of all the girls in our family
14. I really want an old book I can hollow out so I can hide things in it while it sits on a book shelf.
15. Ticking clocks use to drive me crazy when I was trying to fall asleep. Now I'm just too excited to go to sleep to even notice the ticking.
16. I bruise really easily
17. I'll always choose the top bunk
18. My birthday is the 18th of May
19. My middle fingers are super crooked
20. I am almost 20. Did you know that?
21. Living away from home = spending money on boring things. That's right toilet paper, dish soap, and paper towels I'm talking to you!
22. It is very nice to be in charge of myself
23. Unpainted girl toenails give me the creeps
24. I really enjoy hands
25. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to have a nubbin
26. Sometimes I feel like I would give anything to have a DVR again
27. I love to snuggle
28. I think doing the dishes isn't so bad as long as you do them right after they've been dirtied
29. I have a scar on my knee from a cut that got infected with sand on a rugby pitch
30. The Child Development class I took last semester is the best class I have taken so far at BYU.
31. I frequently go through phases where I'm obsessed with peanut butter. (Seriously try peanut butter on toast already!)
32. I love to nap on top of my bed with a blanket while it's still light outside
33. Dinosaurs are my favorite
34. Some days I just want to lay in bed all day
35. I like how smooth and soft eye lid skin feels under my fingers
36. I usually dream in the morning
37. Mexican food is the best food
38. Fried chicken will make me sick, without fail, every time I eat it
39. Fat babies are HILARIOUS to look at
40. I wish that I could read more with out falling asleep. I spent too many years reading right before bed and now my body can't tell the difference between reading for pleasure and sleep time.
41. Most favorite dance ever. I get chills every time I watch it
42. Every time I get out of the shower I shake my towel to make sure there aren't any spiders living in it
43. Baseball is the most boring thing ever to watch. Well I suppose it's more interesting than golf but really, I couldn't tell you
44. Cookies are my favorite dessert
45. It's a tie between oatmeal scotchies and sugar cookies for my favorite cookie
46. I am so excited to take anatomy in the Fall
47. I am also so excited to meet Baby C. Don't you think Kendall and Josh will be awesome parents? I do
48. When you get the right bag of Crazy Bread from Little Caesars it's like heaven sold in a bag for only $1
49. I love to be warmed by the sun after you've been cold and inside for too long
50. I don't really like roast beef
51. I'm a little bit more than obsessed with Beyonce
52. If I could meet one celebrity right now I would meet Beyonce
53. If they were handing away magical powers I would choose to apparate
54. Of all school subjects English comes to me most naturally
55. I hate white pants and white church shoes. They just seem so impractical
56. I do not enjoy getting wet when I'm not planning on it. Clothes are for wearing and swim suits are for playing in water
57. I am most definitely a morning person
58. Cooked broccoli with lots of salt is the only way to go
59. Pride and Prejudice is one of my top three favorite movies. I could watch it every day
60. I like to donate blood
61. I still jump on elevators when I'm alone
62. Sometimes when I take my warm clothes out of the dryer, I put them in a pile and lay on top of them
63. I believe some candies are just better when they're a little bit warm. Try leaving a box of Hot Tamales in a warm car for a while and then eat them. It will change your life.
64. I love to get things in the mail
65. The older I get, the more I enjoy being with my family
66. I am a master of Uno
67. When I was little I use to ask for a baby brother for Christmas. Now that I'm older I am so glad that Santa never brought one to me.
68. The softer a bed is, the better.
69. Natalie, Kendall, and I all share a weird obsession with Pop Culture. That's right world, I'm keeping up with the kardashians, big whoop.
70. I like mini cupcakes but I hate making them. It's too much work with not enough to show for it. Oh and I eat way more of them than regular cupcakes
71. I would rather spend time with a few good friends than with a giant group of people I sort of know
72. It bothers me when people I barely know call me Mal
73. I like the way stainless steel appliances look but I would never put them in my own kitchen
74. I like weird old things
75. I want to live in a cute little old house when I grow up
76. When I'm going to sleep for the night I lay on my back and flip onto my stomach. I usually wake up on my back
77. When I nap, I lay on my side
78. I enjoy listening to the radio in the car with the windows rolled down
79. I've never been pulled over or ticketed by a cop
80. Journaling is awesome. I started keeping one about a year ago and I love flipping back and reading what I've written
81. Kendall and I share a love of Western Family's string cheese
82. I would probably choose ground beef over about any other kind of meat
83. Every time I cut an avocado in half I want to eat it with a spoon
84. If I could plant any fruit producing tree and have it thrive, I would plant an avocado tree
85. I love the smell outside after it rains
86. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (are you singing the song because I sure am?)
87. Tongues simultaneously disgust and amaze me
88. Sometimes I want to eat just the crust off a slice of pizza
89. Target is my most favorite store
90. I frequently pick things up off the floor with my toes
91. The smell of fresh wall paint makes me think of my Mom and Dad
92. My favorite part about playing rugby in high school was getting to be a part of a team and learning to love my teammates
93. "Smack That" by Akon runs through my mind more often than I'd like to admit
94. I like the way my eyelashes feel when they're covered with mascara
95. The first thing I remember about September 11, 2001 is that Grandma called and told us we were getting bombed. Mom and I turned on the news on right after that
96. I've discovered that it's easier to waste time on a computer than you think
97. I really do love to laugh
98. It constantly surprises me how much I am like my mother
99. I've still never let anyone cut off any of my skin tags
100. I wish we could go to Mexico with the family every Christmas


NatAttack said...

OH LADY. I love your new blog header. Wicked cute!

A bunch of these were interesting/funny but #99 cracked me right up. You won't truly be one of us until you get a tag cut (OR CUT YOUR OWN).

Kendall said...

MMm good crazy bread bag.....and thanks. I hope we're as good of parents as you think!

Jeni said...

Mallory! I just found your blog. And I shocked at how similar we are.
For these reasons:
-English comes most naturally to me too. (HA! I almost just wrote "to" instead of "too", yeah I have AWESOME English skills!)
-I LOVE pizza crust, it's my favorite part of the pizza and my husband thinks I'm crazy for it.
-Unpainted female toes make me shudder.
There are more, but then this would be the longest comment of all time.

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

I wish I could go to Mexico every year too! (OR Hawaii.) :)

Loved this post! I wish I could comment on all of them!

Alaina said...

Add me to the string cheese club. Western Family is the only one I like.

#42 and #62 are HiLaRiOuS.