Monday, February 14, 2011

The Romantic Gesture

When I was home at Christmas I had the opportunity to go through Mom's stash of old jewelry. While pilfering through piles of vintage treasures we came across a simple silver bracelet with the best origin story ever. According to her, while dancing with my Dad at a Stake dance, he slipped the bracelet onto her wrist without her ever noticing. When she finally realized there was a foreign bracelet on her wrist, she opened it up to find this little note.
Something about this story, and thinking about my 15 year old mother and 16 year old father in-like with each other makes my heart melt a little bit. It makes me feel lucky to have parents that have cared about each other for so long.

This morning as I rushed out the door to work, I noticed rose petals scattered all in front of my neighbor's door. I can only assume that it was for the one that's engaged from her soon to be husband. It made the long walk to work go by quickly as I smiled about the simple gesture that will mean a lot to that lucky lady. I guess what I'm trying to say it that whether it's giving a toaster to a girl that likes to complain about burning her toast in the oven, or spreading rose petals for your fiance it is always appreciated and it makes me smile. Happy Valentines Day friends.

In unrelated news, I cannot get this song out of my head so I thought maybe I'd get it stuck in yours too.


Alyssa said...

This makes me happy. Love you, valentine!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest thing I have heard this month.

Rachel Eve said...

That is an adorable story about your mom and dad! I love it. Love is great.

Kendall said...

Mom and dad are SO CUTE. Love is pretty great, and I'm glad you can appreciate the beauty that is Valentine's Day. You're so positive, Mal, that's why I love keeping you around.