Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A letter to a Friend

Dear Britney Spears,
You got your kids taken away. Isn't that sad. Your life must really be falling apart if you can't even get your act together for your kids. What are those kids going to think when they grow up. I think they would say "Mom's a fallen teen star who fell apart when she was upstaged by Christina." I'm sorry Brit but it is a little bit true. You did at one point share a kiss with Madona but look at Christina now. She is happily married and expecting a baby. She doesn't appear to be doing drugs but who knows, maybe in a few years and two kids later she'll be just like you. Atleast you have that to look foward to. I love you girl but you need to get your priorities straight.
All the support in the world,


kendall said...

I like this post.

Alaina said...

Dear Britney:

Kids are better than drugs.

Love, Alaina

Mallory Jan said...

I think you should call her Alaina.

Rachel Eve said...

Britney Spears is a lunatic!