Saturday, April 28, 2007

We are the champions my friends!

We did it again. The West Linn Renegades are the Oregon state champions for the fourth year in a row. It was very happy. Nothing major. Kendall and Bryan were freaking out that I got stepped on. I told them it happens all the time. It was very sunny, warm, and hot. I am sunburned a little and I am hoping so bad that it turns to tan quickly. I guess Natalie must be prophetic because she already wrote on her blog that we won, and now we have really won. Cheers nat for your winning luck!


NatAttack said...

Hey! Someone TOLD me you won state. Either way, CONGRATS!

New York City misses you.

Alaina said...

Congratulations my little Renegade!

Who is the girl in the girly tank top!?!?

kendall said...

yeah, get out holly, yellow shirt, and slut in the tank top.
And only I was freaking out about getting stepped on. You're freaking hXc, man.